IntraKID 2.0 Products in Minnetonka MN

Are you looking for the Ultimate All-in-one multivitamin supplement for kids in Minnetonka MN? Visit or call The Arne Clinic at (952) 541-0200 for special pricing!
What are IntraKID 2.0 products in Minnetonka MN?
The ultimate all-in-one multivitamin supplement formulated for kids!
intraKID 2.0, specially formulated for children, is produced using intraCELL Technology. This innovative cold-fill manufacturing process allows the 215+ ingredients in intraKID 2.0 to retain their maximum nutritional value while being enriched organically with naturally-sourced fulvic acid.

In just a one-ounce daily serving, intraKID 2.0 provides an array of vitamins, trace and macro minerals, prebiotics, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, fruits, vegetables, essential fatty acids, bioflavonoids, amino acids, and much more! The unique ingredient blends in intraKID 2.0 not only support the body's ability to eliminate harmful substances*, but they also provide support for a wide range of systems and functions which include:
- Endocrine and hormone
- Immune, development, and response
- Blood, cellular, and circulatory
- Cognitive, brain development, and neurological
- Skin, bone, skeletal, muscle, and joint
- Energy, strength, stamina, and stress management
- Recommended for ages 4 - 12+
- Vegetarian
- Non-GMO
- Gluten-Free
- Natural Raspberry Flavor
"Most kids lack a diet that includes all the nutrition their growing bodies need. intraKID 2.0 is an all-in-one formula packed with all the nutrients kids require for healthy growth and development. The liquid formula is gentle on sensitive stomachs and the raspberry flavor tastes great. My own children took intraKID for years before they were old enough for intraMAX, and while they complained when they had to swallow pills, they were always happy to take this multivitamin. IntraKID 2.0 will help your children to be their most active, healthy, and happy selves!"
- Dr. Brian Arne
8:00am - 5:45pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:45pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 5:45pm
Saturday & Sunday
The Arne Clinic
12991 Ridgedale Dr
Minnetonka, MN 55305